Bunches of Lunches

Make a Difference One Lunch at a Time

Our Bunches of Lunches program is all about lending a helping hand to combat hunger in our community. Whip up delicious bagged lunches, either individually or in groups, and drop them off at one of our community collection locations or directly with our nonprofit partners.

Each week we donate the meals to those in our community that could use the extra support. Join us in making a difference – one lunch at a time!


What to Include

In each bagged meal, please include:

  1. Sandwich: PB&J or lunch meat
  2. Fruit: Fruit item or fruit cup and spoon
  3. Snack: Individually wrapped chips, pretzels, granola bar
  4. Water bottle

Plan Your Dropoff

Use the form below to register to drop off your meals at one of our community collection locations. To drop off directly with a nonprofit, please contact Kate Kirby at kkirby@jewishconnect.org.

Kate will match you with the best fit for your meals and provide delivery instructions for a seamless drop off.

Register Your Lunches

Zip Code(Required)
Which of the following best describes your current life stage (please check all that apply):
We recommend a minimum of 5 if you are delivering directly to a recipient organization.
Where and when do you plan to deliver your bagged meals?(Required)
Would you like to volunteer periodically to deliver meals to recipient organizations on behalf of our host sites? We will connect you as soon as possible so they can contact you directly with their driving needs.
How did you hear about Bunches of Lunches?

We are eager to learn more about you so that we can best serve you and support a diverse, inclusive and vibrant Baltimore Jewish community. These questions are optional, please answer only what you are comfortable sharing.

Do you identify as any of the following? (select as many as apply):
Leave blank if none apply
How do you describe your Jewish Identity? (select as many as apply):
Please refer to our FAQ Page. If we have not answered your question, please feel free to write it here. We will happily get back to you during our normal business hours, M-F between 8:30-5:00.


Your bagged lunches are donated to a variety of our nonprofit partners, including shelters, resource centers, day programs, and low-income housing facilities.

When we have a heads-up on the number of meals for a collection, we can coordinate them smoothly with our nonprofit partners’. Plus, we also need to ensure we have enough delivery drivers to fit all the meals in their cars. If you can, please pre-register by the Thursday night before your selected collection day. Thank you for helping us make it all work seamlessly!.

Thank you so much for asking! There is no preference from our partners for bags. While all food items are appreciated, we have heard that PB&Js are helpful because they are shelf-stable and vegetarian. When choosing food to include in your lunches, consider what you would pack for yourself or your children—it should be a filling and nutritious meal.

Yes! Contact Kate Kirby at kkirby@jewishconnect.org to get on our driver list.

Meals are always dropped off curbside. You should receive a reminder email with specific instructions the Friday before your selected collection. If you can’t find the email or register too late to receive it, please just circle the building in your car until you find the volunteers outside.

No, we do not presume that individuals who eat the meals keep Kosher.

Cards should always be simple and positive.

Consider writing:

  • Have a great day!
  • Thinking of you!
  • Enjoy your lunch!

Please do not write:

  • Religious messages
  • “I’m sorry you’re hungry” or “I’m sorry you’re homeless”
  • “Smile” or “Stay positive”