

The Macks Jewish Connection Network is proud to be an agency of The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore. As one of 28 organizations that are part of The Associated system, the Network receives a significant portion of its funding from The Associated. When you donate to The Associated’s Annual Campaign, you are helping us create meaningful Jewish experiences that inspire Jewish identity. The Annual Campaign supports PJ Library, our Community Connectors program, numerous events and more for individuals of all ages and abilities to help them build lasting Jewish traditions and memories.

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In addition, your financial support of The Associated allows us to take care of those who are struggling in Baltimore, Israel and around the world, providing hope and solutions to challenges faced. It also enables the organization to respond to crises locally and globally both swiftly and successfully.

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Paypal Donation to the Jewish Connection Network

You can also support an initiative of The Network, by mailing a check to The Associated with a note to direct your support to The Network, or through our PayPal account to support the DeafBlind Shabbaton, Service To Go or the Community Connectors. Your generous donation supports our mission to empower individuals to explore and deepen their own Jewish journeys—inspiring them to form lasting connections to a diverse, inclusive and vibrant Baltimore Jewish community.

Donate through PayPal

“I feel fortunate to have heard of the Connector program [and the Network] because it has been a wonderful way to meet new friends in the area, especially since I recently moved.” — Community Connector Participant