Author: Jewish Connection Network

Meet Eric Reisman

I understand you recently retired from teaching, what are things that you’ve done to keep busy and to find a new sense of purpose?  I knew when I retired that I was done teaching, but not done working. I’ve taken on several jobs since I retired. I worked as a job coach for Jewish Communal […]

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Meet Michael Rosman

For over 30 years, Michael Rosman has entertained audiences worldwide with his comedy juggling. A graduate of Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clown College, he has appeared on late-night TV, headlined on cruise ships and at universities, and is renowned for his performances at venues like Cirque du Soleil and Walt Disney World. […]

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Meet Terry Willner

In honor of Women’s History Month, we spoke to one of our community’s all-star volunteers, Terry Willner. Among the many volunteer opportunities she has been involved with over the past several years, she is also currently the co-chair of the Baltimore Dignity Grows chapter with Associated Women, which supplies totes of feminine hygiene products to […]

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Meet Louis Caplan

Tell us about yourself: I grew up in a conservative family just outside of New Haven, CT. I was diagnosed as being deaf (moderate to severe) when I was a little over a year old. My mother knew it earlier but had a hard time convincing the doctors. Once I was diagnosed, the doctors said […]

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Meet Tikvah Womack

As a Black Orthodox Jewish woman, Tikvah shares how her family is passing on traditions and navigating the unique intersection of being Black and Jewish. Through her professional work, Tikvah seamlessly integrates her background in expressive art therapy with conversations around cultural humility in the mental health field.  Read on to explore her impactful experiences […]

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Meet Jill Silbert

Meet Jill, an advocate for families with neurodiverse children. From studying psychology to becoming a nurse at Johns Hopkins University, Jill also established the Connector position for neurodiverse families. Discover her insights, successful initiatives and personal experiences in supporting these families. Dive into the interview for an inspiring look at her impactful work. Tell us […]

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Welcome to The Network

Hello! My name is Addie Lewis Klein, and I’m the executive director of the newly-named Louise D. and Morton J. Macks Jewish Connection Network, affectionately known as “The Network.” We are a proud Associated agency, focused on helping people just like YOU meet new people, find experiences in the Jewish community that is right for […]

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